Brand Name Current Inventory Milliliters Recommended Milliliters Required
The Flavor Apprentice Acetyl Pyrazine 5% 480 80 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Apple 390 100 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Banana 0 80 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Banana Cream 590 500 250 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Banana Nut Bread 320 60 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Bavarian Cream 170 300 150 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Berry Cereal 210 50 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Berry Mix 500 200 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Black Honey 360 200 100 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Blackberry 450 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Blueberry (Extra) 180 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Blueberry (Wild) 350 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Brown Sugar 140 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Butter 120 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Butterscotch 400 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Cantaloupe 430 100 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Caramel 160 100 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Caramel (Original) 290 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Caramel Candy 60 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Cheesecake (Graham Crust) 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Cherry Extract 70 0 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Cigarillo 400 250 100 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Coconut 310 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Coconut Extra 20 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Cotton Candy 0 300 150 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Cubano Type 100 edit
The Flavor Apprentice DX Cinnamon Danish 190 edit
The Flavor Apprentice DX Hazelnut 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Dairy/Milk 140 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Double Chocolate (Clear) 50 150 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Dragonfruit 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Espresso 430 200 edit
The Flavor Apprentice French Vanilla 0 100 edit
The Flavor Apprentice French Vanilla Deluxe 30 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Fruit Circles With Milk 90 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Graham Cracker (Clear) 140 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Grape Candy 1420 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Grape Juice 530 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Grape Soda 110 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Honeydew II 0 200 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Honeysuckle 440 100 50 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Kiwi (Double) 30 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Koolada 10 PG 310 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Lychee 320 20 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla 180 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Mango 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Marshmallow 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Nectarine 200 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Oatmeal Cookie 130 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Papaya 50 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Passion Orange Guava 0 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Peach 510 150 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Peach (Juicy) 300 150 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Peanut Butter 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Pineapple 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Pistachio 70 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Pomegranate 120 edit
The Flavor Apprentice RY4 Asian 380 edit
The Flavor Apprentice RY4 Double 510 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Raspberry 440 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Raspberry (Sweet) 520 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Sour 120 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Strawberry 0 500 200 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Strawberry (Ripe) 0 500 200 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Strawberry Yogurt 230 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Super Sweetener 0 250 150 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Sweet Cream 230 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Sweet Strawberry 0 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Sweetener 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Toasted Almond 80 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Vanilla Bean Gelato 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 500 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Vanilla Custard 510 500 250 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Vanilla Custard II 390 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Vanilla Swirl 0 edit
The Flavor Apprentice WS-23 30% 280 100 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Waffle (Belgian) 130 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Watermelon 250 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Western 550 500 250 edit
The Flavor Apprentice Wintergreen 110 edit